965 82 02 34 - Plaça España, 8, 03469 El Camp de Mirra, Alacant


Municipality of the province of Alicante of 380 inhabitants, its surface is of 21’27 kms. square, and its average altitude is 590 m. It is framed within the region of Alto Vinalopó, depending on the courts of the Judicial District of Villena. It is 68 kms. from Alicante and 111 from Valencia.

The climate is continental; The dominant winds are: “Llevant, Ponent, Tramuntana i Llebeig”.

Traditionally, the economy of the municipality has been eminently agricultural, being the most important crops the vine, and the olive tree, and in minor importance fruit, vegetables and cereals.

Path “The Pas de la Vereda”